Dieses kleine Buch ist für dich
A visual grammar for German as a Foreign Language
Learning German can be very hard, especially if it isn't your native language. In order to make its grammar more accessible to learners, this little book uses a new visual support system to present grammar topics for non native speakers. The appearance of text and signs guide learner's attention to a specific structure and make important aspects of the language visible. Thus it becomes easier for learners to notice and understand them. Used consistently throughout the book, this visual system allows for a continuous learning process and supports the recognition of previously seen content. This enables the book to be used as a learning aid or a reference guide.

Content and Design
Barbara Avila Vissirini
Barbara Avila Vissirini
Prof. Dr. Marian Dörk - Professor for Information Visualization
Prof. Franziska Morlok - Professor for Editorial Design
Karin Schmidt - GFL Expert (German as a Foreign Language)
Prof. Dr. Marian Dörk - Professor for Information Visualization
Prof. Franziska Morlok - Professor for Editorial Design
Karin Schmidt - GFL Expert (German as a Foreign Language)
Dieses kleine Buch ist für dich was done in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the UCLAB research group. The printed copies were funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtige Amt).
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